On the Dewey square in the middle of the city of Boston and next to the Boston South Station is one of their public markets which is indeed a farmers’ market. Quite a clever location, even though the many people seem to be in the rush to go somewhere. And there are a lot of tall office buildings around the market giving almost the feeling of being in a valley. So there is people coming during the day, placing their orders and picking it up after work is finished.
And the market has a lot to offer for daily consumption: fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, milk products, bakery goods of all kinds, pasta, mushrooms etc. and a mobile coffee stand. The latter one is very important to me. To my surprise there is also a stand representing the organization of the Boston Public Market (BPM) with a person informing the public as well as replacing vendors when they go for lunch or so.
One particular farmer impressed me: Carl Hills who grows more than 50 varieties of tomatoes!! He did not have all of them on the stand, but quite a nice selection. I am wondering how he is managing his farm with such a diversity. According to him, he learned that over time as he is not new in the business. And the tomatoes tasted really good.
The bread from the Swissbäkers stand did not impress that much, but it was still good. The selection of Fromage Blanc – French for curd – was nice. Unfortunately I could not taste the pasta sauce from the mushroom stand, if it as good as the mushrooms on display, then it is worth being bought. By the way pasta, there was also a stand dedicated to that produce in all kinds of shapes and colors, a nice temptation.
Despite the not so big size of the market for a city like Boston, it spreads a nice ambiance in the surroundings of business and office towers full of busy people. Walking by the stands during a lunch break seems to be like a little vacation for eyes and brain before the stress starts again. And in the evening you pick up your purchases to prepare a simple but tasty meal at home for a smile on your face and a happy stomach. Or so.
All in all: A very pleasant market in a busy environment with some good quality produce to be discovered
A little link list:
- Official website with all the ongoing developments
- Website of the impressive tomato farm
- An interesting perspective on the development of the Boston Public Market and its impact on gentrification – from untappedcities.com
- A listing of the other Boston farmers markets